
Recent Projects

Political and Voting data
We provided our clients with the most comprehensive data including demographics, lifestyle information and history to enable them to know possible voting trends.
Regardless of voting data provided our turnaround for pull-load-analyse makes us one of the leading companies in the field

Universal Web Analytics
Websites and web apps
Setting up and customizing tracking for your website or web app.Use our simple and powerful APIs to retrieve report data from Google Analytics and Piwik. With the reporting APIs, you can save time by automating complex reporting tasks. You can also integrate Google Analytics data with your own business data for deeper insights.

Managed Public API Access
We provide managed public API access from some of the social data sources aboveCaptu22e

Event Tracking

Event tracking enables you to track anything on your website that requires a click. This could be a eBook download or how many times a link is clicked. Just follow the stepson our portal and in a few seconds my Google Analytics event tracking code generator will give you the code you need to use to set this up. The generator is compatible with Asynchronous and Universal Analytics types of tracking. Make sure you select the correct tracking type otherwise the event tracking won’t work.We use seoweather and Google Analytics for event tracking

Big Data Service

binary data

binary data

Data analysis is a do-or-die requirement for today’s businesses.Enterprises grapple with huge quantities and varieties of data on one hand, and ever-faster expectations for analysis on the other.What is new is how much bigger that data is, how quickly it is growing and how complicated it is. Enterprises understand that the data in their systems represents a gold mine of insights that could help them improve their processes and their performance. But they need tools that will allow them to collect and analyze that data.At mkmedialabs we love to hear from you – if you have any questions, comments or just fancy a chat,get in touch via our contact us page.

Bitcoin/Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology is a peer- to-peer public accounting system maintained by means of a distributed network of computers which requires no central authority or third party intermediaries”. This technology “consists of three fundamental components: a transaction, a transaction register and a system that verifies and stores the transaction. Blockchain technology has the potential to help limit counterpart risk, reduce settlement times, improve contractual term performance and enhance transparency for regulatory reporting.

Smart Contracts download

We are currently working on exciting smart contract projects.Smart Contracts are self-executing contractual agreements, stored on the blockchain, which nobody controls and therefore everyone can trust and details get recorded onto the blockchain for self-enforcement